Grandma-hood and other college planning musings...

I never thought I would be a grandma. I never even believed my daughter Jessica would get married. She is a fiercely independent, hilarious, keenly intelligent over-achiever with a heart of gold. Who knew she could find a partner in life just like her? Two years ago her doppelganger appeared and their two lives became one. And on March 10, 2012, their third partner arrived. Kai Raines Sampson-Higgins (it’s a very good name!). According to Chinese astrology, a water dragon born to two dragon parents. This was going to be interesting.

No amount of listening to other people brag on how great it is to be a grandparent can prepare you for the tsunami of love and adoration that accompanies meeting your first grandchild. They are like all the sweet potential of a new world order all wrapped up in a doughy giggly pastry crust. Somehow, by playing with a grandchild, we can finally allow ourselves to enjoy the innocence and laughter of childhood again. I am constantly counting the days until his wiggling and my giggling can dance again.

Of course, my financial advisor hat is always on, and watching baby Kai wiggle his way into childhood reminds me of the lightning speed at which my own daughter’s childhood flew by. They take one step on their own, and then suddenly college tuition expenses appear on your doorstep. And if you are really lucky, they bring expenses for a Master’s in Conservation Biology and Public Policy, as Jessica is just completing. If you are a parent, or grandparent, or aunt or uncle of a small wiggling thing, call us at Integrē Wealth Management to run an Education Analysis for you. There’s no charge, and starting early can allow you to give one of the best gifts of all—helping launch your loved one with a good education.